Rebranding for B2B platform which helps companies to connect with top agencies and find the best talents quickly. 

Because the company is growing there was a need to re-think the whole branding direction and what the company actually want to say.

What? Keywords

Connected, time-saving, transparent, secured, 
customer-oriented, make things easier

Clear letters, easily readable, green pallet

Airy, light

To whom?

Recruiter at an agency, freelance recruiter

HR's in big companies


I chose several directions with connections as the central theme. And settled on geometric shapes, each of which represents the main focus of the project: companies, recruiters and talent.

Logo presentation

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Rebranding means that we needed to change the new voice of the brand everywhere: social media, e-mails and of course webpage. We changed the structure and texts, added a blog page and more product pages for each target group.
